ASME Announces Fellows Program

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International) is pleased to announce its Federal Government Fellow Program for 2004-2005. This program, sponsored annually by the society since 1973, provides ASME members the opportunity to work for one year with the staff of a congressional committee, U.S. Senator or Representative. Fellows may serve from September 2004 to August 2005, or January 2005 to December 2005, at the individual’s option.

ASME Federal Fellows work in the process of public policy development and come away with an understanding of the governmental process and an extensive network of contacts in Washington. While providing this public service to the nation, previous fellows have described their year in Washington, DC as the most exciting, rewarding, and educational period of their professional careers. This enriching experience enables engineers to bring back to their employers an insider’s prospective on government decision making that can contribute significantly to the mission and vision of the organization. Employers benefit from the knowledge and experience gained by their employees.

We hope you will inform your faculty about this fellowship program and persuade any ASME members to apply. Interested ASME members should contact the ASME government relations department for an application. The deadline for all applications is April 1, 2004. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact AIIian Pratt at the ASME Washington office at (202) 785-3756 or via email at Information about the program may also be found on the ASME web site:

Published December 15, 2003