Graduate Students — Irwin Centennial Research Committee Travel Awards Nominations Open

Each year the Irwin Centennial Research Committee awards travel funds to one or more graduate students to present their results in the areas of FRACTURE MECHANICS or EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS at technical meetings. Preference is given to students nearing the end of their graduate education. In order to receive an award the student’s advisor must provide matching funds.

If you qualify for this year's award, please submit to R.J. Sanford a brief statement indicating your anticipated graduation date and degree, the title (or abstract) of their paper, the name of the conference, its location, an estimate of the travel costs and your advisor's commitment to provide matching funds. The statements should be transmitted to him via email.

Please be advised that the amount of the award is limited, and it should not be expected that any award would cover the full cost of the travel.

It is anticipated that there will be sufficient funds to provide travel awards for up to five students this fiscal year. Awards will be made on a continuing basis until the funds are exhausted with the first awards announced on May 10, 2002.

Please note that in addition to this annual announcement, travel funds are awarded

throughout the year. Applications are accepted at any time.

R.J. Sanford, Chairman

George R. Irwin Centennial Research Award Committee


Published April 18, 2002